• 22 апреля 2017, суббота
  • Минск, Фабрициуса, 4 Стартап хаб Nordic room (2nd floor)

TeachersTalkShop #11 with ESL gurus from Minsk and Moscow

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2878 дней назад
22 апреля 2017 c 14:00 до 16:30
Фабрициуса, 4 Стартап хаб Nordic room (2nd floor)

Texploitation with Marina Kladova and Pronunciation with Natasha Sedounova

Speaker 1: Marina Kladova. TEXTPLOITATION.

Marina Kladova is a teacherpreneur, Cambridge DELTA-qualified English teacher and teacher trainer based in Moscow with teaching experience in Oxford and London. Currently a director of studies of the corporate department in Skyeng. She co-organized Trendy English conferences in 2016 and Skyteach Conference in 2017

More on TEXTPLOITATION: Mark Heffernan and David Byrne came up with the strategy called “Textploitation”, i.e. making full use of the texts and being environmentally-friendly at the same time. You can take any text and use it for a 2-3 hour lesson with the focus on all skills, systems and as a result, you will not bombard your students with piles of handouts. It’s about exploiting authentic texts fully in terms of skills, systems and structure.

Speaker 2: Natasha Sedounova. PRONUNCIATION: DO THEY REALLY NEED IT?

Natasha Sedounova is a Lead Instructor at EPAM Systems and a CELTA tutor. A former DOS od International House Minsk and a co-author of the primary school coursebook ’Magic Box’.

Among ESL specialists in Minsk Natasha needs no introduction. Many of us were taught by her or worked alongside her. Here’s yet another chance to look together wuth Natasha Sedounova at the topic underappreciated by many of us: PRONUNCIATION.

The session will look at the challenges and controversy of teaching pronunciation to programmers and not only programmers. Participants will be offered some ideas how to focus on phonetic aspects and have a chance to design some pronunciation games.

The new venue and the coffee-break have been generously sponsored by our long-standing friends http://itenglish.by 


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