• 2 июня 2017, пятница
  • Минск, пр-т Машерова 54

#TeachersTalkShop Special Interest Group Young Learners and Teenagers

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2791 день назад
2 июня 2017 c 18:30 до 20:00
пр-т Машерова 54

’How to make sure your learners remember English in summer holidays’ is the topic that Alla McCaughey holds close to her heart. Alla is Senior Mama at http://www.papalingua.com, a community for parents who help their kids with a foreign language, an English teacher and Teacher Trainer.

Hip-hip-hooray! Summer holidays are here! We all need them: schoolchildren, their parents and teachers. We have the whole three months free from coursebooks and tests, tons of obligations and deadlines.

But… is it really that great to completely switch off young brains from any learning activities? What do scientists have to say on this issue? In fact, they warn educators and parents about quite a few consequences that follow from such an approach. They call it "the summer brain drain" because during those long, hot months away from school, kids forget a lot of what they had learned in class. According to a research, most learners lose 2 to 2 ½ months of some skills that they learned during the school year.

What if we come up with a way of preventing that? What could we, as teachers, do to help our learners not forget what they had been working for?

During the session ’How to make sure your learners remember English in summer holidays’, Alla McCaughey will share with teachers 10 brilliant ways of doing that. She will focus on those that don’t require too much of your time and effort.



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