• 30 сентября 2017, суббота
  • Минск, vulica Staražoŭskaja 15, Minsk

Annual #TeachersTalkShop Conference. Supported by U.S. Embassy Minsk, Belarus.

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2717 дней назад
с 10:00 30 сентября до 15:00 1 октября 2017
vulica Staražoŭskaja 15, Minsk

A community of English teachers #Teacherstalkshop is pleased to invite you to the Annual English Language Teaching (ELT) Conference in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy, Minsk, Belarus. The date of the Conference has been timed to coincide with two others — Teachers’ Day in Belarus (first Sunday of October) and #TeachersTalkShop two year anniversary.


A community of English teachers #Teacherstalkshop is pleased to invite you to the Annual English Language Teaching (ELT) Conference on September 30-October 1, 2017. The date of the Conference has been timed to celebrate the International Teachers’ Day and #TeachersTalkShop two-year anniversary. The conference is conducted with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Minsk.



The conference will become a networking and sharing platform for active ELT professionals from Belarus. Participants will present and share their English language teaching experiences on a wide range of topics.


Mr. John Silver, U.S. Department of State  Regional English Language Officer based in Kyiv, will deliver the opening plenary. The second plenary lecture will be given by Natallia Sedunova, an esteemed ELT expert and book author (‘Magic Box’ series). Invited American professors and teachers of English  will give workshops along with Belarusian teachers. We anticipate productive discussions and fruitful exchange of ideas. Several presentations will take place simultaneously, with their videos to later be uploaded to a YouTube channel (http://go-url.ru/iws3).


Conference Dates: September 30-October 1st, 2017

Expenses: Meals, refreshments and conference materials will be provided for participants, while those residing outside Minsk will be offered a one-night accommodation.

Location: Belarus Hotel http://www.hotel-belarus.com/

               Storozhovskaya ulitsa 15, Minsk

Time: 10:00-18:00 on Saturday, September 30 (schedule subject to minor changes)

         10:00-15:00 on Sunday, October 1 (schedule subject to minor changes)

Number of Participants: 80

Belarusian teachers of English are invited to deliver presentations (up to 45 minutes) on current aspects of English language teaching based on their practical experience.

Some (brief) statement of theory (relevant research, central purpose of an activity, etc.) is expected to be part of a presentation, while the main focus is expected to be solving a teaching-related problem / introducing a specific teaching technique or similar (with some handouts and/or audio-visual aids).


Please confirm your participation in the conference and submit an abstract of your presentation and its details such as format, duration and equipment required, for consideration by our panel to AnnualTTSconference@gmail.com by September 27, Wednesday.


Logistical information to include the preliminary program as well as check-in and check-out times at the hotel will be provided to you additionally by September 28, Thursday.


Sign up for the conference whether you are planning to present or attend. Should you have any questions please call +375296847872


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