• 17 сентября 2017, воскресенье
  • Минск, ул. Октябрьская, 16а Eventspace.by

#TeachersTalkShop №13

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2730 дней назад
17 сентября 2017 c 13:00 до 15:30
ул. Октябрьская, 16а Eventspace.by

This time we’ll look into 1. Preparing your students for relocation 2. Taming English punctuation 3. Teaching in China

New academic year, new #teacherstalkshop event supported by our friends itenglish.by  

The venue is our good old eventspace.by(as you can see from the poster featuring the local manage Maria and the black cat Ada who lives in this conference hub).

13:00-13:15 Welcome tea-coffee.

13:15-13:45 ’Preparing students for relocation — are you doing that right?’ Yulia Marzinkevich, UX designer based in LA, has tricky questions for us, English teachers, and is ready to answer ours.

13:45-14:30 ’Punctuation: should we even care?’ Thomas Michalek (USA) talks about the sometimes neglected aspect of English.

14:30-14:45 Coffee break

14:45-15:25 ’Teaching in China’ Q&A session with Nika Dulevich who is about to leave for her second year of teaching in China.

15:25-15:30 Announcements about future events 








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