• 11 ноября 2017, суббота
  • Минск, ул. Октябрьская 16а

#TeachersTalkShop Special Interest Group Materials Writing

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2675 дней назад
11 ноября 2017 c 13:00 до 15:30
ул. Октябрьская 16а

Prefer to go beyond the coursebook with your students? Get frequent requests from your students to work on a specific work-related video? Are willing to invest time into preparing customised handouts? Let talk about this and work on some EFL materials together.

Victoria Dunayeuskaya (Сorporate English Trainer, MBA holder) will lead this Materials Writing workshop. We are going to work on authentic video track together and you’ll take a ready work sheet home. (No, it won’t be just a bunch of gap-fill exercises)). 

Bring a laptop / a smartphone and a pair of headhones (if you own a headphone splitter, bring one as well). Check your mailboxes on the eve of the event for a link to the video. The number of participants will be limited due to the nature of the activity. No livestream this time. Here’s a little something that’ll help you get ready for this event. www.eltteacher2writer.co.uk/sites/d... 

Venue: https://eventspace.by 

Support: http://itenglish.by

Let’s rock and roll!                                                                                                                                                             

UPD: Kids Corner is available for this event! Our childminder will keep your kid/kids alive if your bring them to the premises).





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