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Up to 2000 the British Council had a representative office in Belarus. Alas, no more. Considering they specialise in international cultural and educational opportunities, its a pity we DONT have them here. Since their representatives from Kyiv are here for 2 days, lets meet and talk about some potential cooperation between British Council Kyiv and #TeachersTalkShop community of teachers.
Is that a Haloween meetup then? Not really) Thanks to a kind suggestion from the UK Embassy in Belarus well talk to Simon Etherton, English Programmes Manager and Zhanna Sevastianava, Project Manager on the subject of various activities http://www.britishcouncil.org.ua/en is involved it. Who knows, maybe some super-qualified speakers could come to Minsk from Kyiv. some day? Maybe we could participate in some of their trainings/workshop? Lets see which opportunities are out there.
Cake/pie (possibly pumpkin pie): will be provided by our new friends from http://www.engo.by
Venue: https://www.ciklum.com
Young parents are encouraged to use our Kids Corner (call our trusted event childminder Liuba directly to make arrangements +375298580899)