• 26 ноября 2017, воскресенье
  • Минск, ул. Октябрьская 16а

#TeachersTalkShop №14

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2660 дней назад
26 ноября 2017 c 13:00 до 15:30
ул. Октябрьская 16а

BEC. DELTA.These abbreviations are of interest to teachers of English. Lena Tiutina (IH Teacher Trainer) is an expert in one, Tanya Khudoyerko (IH teacher) in the other, Alina Starikovich (IH Teacher Trainer) is savvy about both. Let them guide you through this!

1. Many of us teach Business English to groups and individuals. At some point our students (or their employers) may feel the need for some sort of badge, ’Achievement unlocked’ sign. This is when we can suggest that they consider doing an international exam like BEC. Understandably, we need to be very well aware of what it’s like first.

2. Passing CELTA makes us more knowledgeable and more hireable; DELTA even more so. Few teachers in Belarus have that achievement badge though (yet). Let us hear about their experience before we attempt DELTA ourselves.                                                                                                                                                                            

It’s all about continuous professional development in the end).

Venue: https://eventspace.by 

Support: http://itenglish.by                                                                                                                                                  

UPD: Kids Corner is available for this event! Our childminder will keep your kid/kids alive if your bring them to the premises).                  








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