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Hrodna teachers, lets #talkshop on a Saturday afternoon! Hrodna community of English teaching professionals, tea, cookies, useful information and a bit of networking whats not to like?)
Two speakers this time. Next time it could be you!
Natalia Koulinkovitch, Minsk
#TeachersTalkShop founder, Corporate English Trainer, Speaking examiner at Cambridge ESOL
Homework? What homework?
Robyn Bantel, USA
English Language Fellow at Hrodna State University
Emotional Intelligence or the ability to recognize and adjust one’s emotions in order to guide thinking and behavior
(An integrated skills lesson plan for high intermediate to advanced students with a focus on oral communication)
Free entrance. Please let your colleagues know about this event. Register to attend before we run out of places)
If in doubt about the time/the venue / whatever, kindly call Tatiana Gregory, Hrodna point of contact +375297821833