• 24 марта 2018, суббота
  • Минск, Октябрьская 16А Eventspace

#Teacherstalkshop 16 #USinBelarus

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2542 дня назад
24 марта 2018 c 10:00 до 13:00
Октябрьская 16А Eventspace

If you or your students are interested in knowing more about the US, this is the time to get some answers. Post some questions here (anonymously) and/or give this link to your students to do the same. Those will be read aloud during our meetup, to be answered by Bob Eckhart, Fulbright Scholar and Senior Instructor, Continuing Teacher Professional Development Institute, MSLU. drive.google.com/open?id=1Ux9pzOQ7b...

Hey teachers, let’s talk shop some more, this time with Bob Eckhart, Fulbright Scholar and Senior Instructor, Continuing Teacher Professional Development Institute, MSLU.

Topic: Cross-Cultural Pedagogy 101

Bonus session: Q&A session ’Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the US … But Were Afraid to Ask’

Details: feel free to 1)  ask questions in person 2) post questions anonymously in a Google form drive.google.com/open?id=1Ux9pzOQ7b... 3) put questions into a box that will be available at Eventspace to be read by a moderator (2 and 3 are there just in case you want to ask something mildly embarrassing)) Our guest and colleague will be asking you questions too!

Coffee breaks? Absolutely. With the help of our good friends http://itenglish.by/ (same as the venue)

Be there, see you soon!


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