Извините, регистрация закрыта. Возможно, на событие уже зарегистрировалось слишком много человек, либо истек срок регистрации. Подробности Вы можете узнать у организаторов события.
Lots of good books out there and yet from time to time it makes sense to do something customized. Vocabulary boost and customer satisfaction are our reward)
Victoria Dunayeuskaya (Сorporate English Trainer, MBA, #LawyersTalkShop Language Instructor) will lead this workshop. What will you take home this time? Two ready worksheets for adult students (possibly teenagers), level B1+ a Quizlet set.
Bring laptops (one for 4-5 people).
NEW venue! http://www.mcc.by/
Supported by our friends at http://itenglish.by/
Customized materials are the best, so lets roll up our sleeves!