Минск 22 сентября 2019 c 10:00 до 16:00, 1995 дней назад
Dear fellow English teachers, long time no see ... and no talk! Let's fix that, shall we? Guests from the USA and Moscow will be presenting some useful info and we will be sitting back and processing. Besides, there will surely be some hugging and/or making new friends during coffee breaks.
Минск 25 мая 2019 c 14:45 до 18:00, 2115 дней назад
Come celebrate the end of the academic year with #Teacherstalkshop. Participate in workshops brought to us by three amazing Fellows from the USA.
Минск 16 декабря 2018 c 12:00 до 15:30, 2275 дней назад
Let's talk shop one more time before 2019!
Минск с 10:00 29 сентября до 15:00 30 сентября 2018, 2353 дня назад
A community of English teachers #Teacherstalkshop is pleased to invite you to the Second Annual English Language Teaching Conference 'Teach better' in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy, Minsk, Belarus. The date of the conference has been timed to coincide with two others — World Teachers' Day and #TeachersTalkShop third year anniversary. Please, share this info so more people know about this, since #sharingiscaring.
Минск 5 мая 2018 c 13:00 до 15:30, 2500 дней назад
Lots of good books out there...and yet from time to time it makes sense to do something customized. Vocabulary boost and customer satisfaction are our reward)
Минск 24 марта 2018 c 10:00 до 13:00, 2542 дня назад
If you or your students are interested in knowing more about the US, this is the time to get some answers. Post some questions here (anonymously) and/or give this link to your students to do the same. Those will be read aloud during our meetup, to be answered by Bob Eckhart, Fulbright Scholar and Senior Instructor, Continuing Teacher Professional Development Institute, MSLU. drive.google.com/open?id=1Ux9pzOQ7b...
Минск 17 февраля 2018 c 13:00 до 15:30, 2577 дней назад
1. TOEFL+IELTS. How do YOU do it? 2. IH Barcelona Conference recap. Takeaways.
Гродно 2 декабря 2017 c 14:00 до 15:30, 2654 дня назад
Hrodna teachers, let's #talkshop on a Saturday afternoon! Hrodna community of English teaching professionals, tea, cookies, useful information and a bit of networking - what's not to like?)
Минск 26 ноября 2017 c 13:00 до 15:30, 2660 дней назад
BEC. DELTA.These abbreviations are of interest to teachers of English. Lena Tiutina (IH Teacher Trainer) is an expert in one, Tanya Khudoyerko (IH teacher) in the other, Alina Starikovich (IH Teacher Trainer) is savvy about both. Let them guide you through this!
Минск 11 ноября 2017 c 13:00 до 15:30, 2675 дней назад
Prefer to go beyond the coursebook with your students? Get frequent requests from your students to work on a specific work-related video? Are willing to invest time into preparing customised handouts? Let talk about this and work on some EFL materials together.
Минск 31 октября 2017 c 19:00 до 21:00, 2686 дней назад
Up to 2000 the British Council had a representative office in Belarus. Alas, no more. Considering they specialise in international cultural and educational opportunities, it's a pity we DON'T have them here. Since their representatives from Kyiv are here for 2 days, let's meet and talk about some potential cooperation between British Council Kyiv and #TeachersTalkShop community of teachers.
Минск с 10:00 30 сентября до 15:00 1 октября 2017, 2717 дней назад
A community of English teachers #Teacherstalkshop is pleased to invite you to the Annual English Language Teaching (ELT) Conference in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy, Minsk, Belarus. The date of the Conference has been timed to coincide with two others - Teachers’ Day in Belarus (first Sunday of October) and #TeachersTalkShop two year anniversary.
Минск 17 сентября 2017 c 13:00 до 15:30, 2730 дней назад
This time we'll look into 1. Preparing your students for relocation 2. Taming English punctuation 3. Teaching in China
Минск 26 июля 2017 c 18:30 до 20:30, 2783 дня назад
Let's play board games ourselves before we expose students to them! Everybody who joins will play two games and get instructions to three.
Минск 2 июня 2017 c 18:30 до 20:00, 2837 дней назад
'How to make sure your learners remember English in summer holidays' is the topic that Alla McCaughey holds close to her heart. Alla is Senior Mama at http://www.papalingua.com, a community for parents who help their kids with a foreign language, an English teacher and Teacher Trainer.
Минск 27 мая 2017, начало в 13:00, 2843 дня назад
Let's all meet to discuss work-related stuff one more time before some of us take a summer break, while others continue teaching through June-July-August.
Минск 22 апреля 2017 c 14:00 до 16:30, 2878 дней назад
Texploitation with Marina Kladova and Pronunciation with Natasha Sedounova
Минск 11 марта 2017 c 14:00 до 16:30, 2920 дней назад
Same as last year, fellow teachers Brian, Chris and Matt (together with Amy and Andrew, newcomers to Belarus) invite us to talk shop together.
Минск 21 января 2017 c 15:00 до 16:45, 2969 дней назад
New year, new event, new venue. Come on English teachers, let's keep talking shop in 2017!